Simple Promise™

Struggling With Leg Pains, Cramps & Poor Sleep?
Leading Health Researcher Recommends This…

Struggling With Leg Pains, Cramps & Poor Sleep? Leading Health Researcher Recommends This…

Try This 30-Second
Sea Sugar Detox Before Bed
For Quick Pain Relief & Deep, Restful Sleep

Try This 30-Second
Sea Sugar Detox
Before Bed For Quick Pain Relief & Deep, Restful Sleep

If you want to know why you have leg pains and muscle cramps…

Or why you feel tired, even after a good night’s sleep…

Then stick out your tongue.

If it looks white and
blotchy like this:

Instead of pink and
healthy like this:

It’s a sign that your second heart is struggling.

Yes, your SECOND heart.

And leg pains, muscle cramps, fatigue and poor sleep are symptoms of this struggle…

Signaling that your second heart NEEDS help.

Now, you may be surprised to hear this…

But Researchers Have Discovered That the Human Body Has an Intricate System of TWO Hearts…

And cardiologists now consider your second heart
to be just as important as your first.

Of course, you’re probably wondering…

“Where is my second heart?
I’ve never seen or heard about it before.”

That’s perfectly normal because your second heart isn’t an organ, like your first one…

It's actually a system in your legs and feet that keeps your blood circulation healthy.

When your first heart pushes your blood out…

Your second heart helps your first heart to pull your blood back in...

And THIS motion creates your circulatory system.

There Are More Details to Unpack,
and I’ll Get To Them in a Minute…

But for now…

Just know that if you feel like something’s been “off” about your health

But can’t put your finger on what’s wrong…

For example, if you feel groggy despite getting
a full night’s sleep

And not even coffee seems to help…

This page is for you.

I will explain why such fatigue, as well as pain,
is an alarming sign of a weak second heart.

The good news is…

Researchers Have Discovered a Way to Fix This Problem, With a New Protocol Called the Sea Sugar Detox.

Just so you know…

It has nothing to do with avoiding sugar or eating salt, or anything like that.

It’s something you do before bedtime.

Best of all…

  • It takes just 30 seconds to do.
  • And it will help you sleep better.
  • As well as relieve your pains, cramps and aches.

In fact, Harvard*** medical researchers have confirmed that what I’m about to show you has a 100% success rate.

Meaning, it worked wonders for EVERY single patient who participated in the study concerned.

To be more specific—on average, the clinical results of the study showed it could:

Reduce fatigue
by 24%...

Lower pain by
as much as 57%...

And eliminate stiffness by 60%!

In addition to this…

If inflammation is a problem for you, and you’re worried that it’s making your pain worse…

You’ll be glad to hear this new method works similarly to NSAIDs, except it’s completely natural!

That’s Why Thousands Are Using the Sea Sugar Detox to Get Pain Relief, Reduce Fatigue, and End Poor Sleep.

These people are full of energy again,
and ready to enjoy their golden years.

Bruce Mitchell from Fort Worth is really happy with his results:

“I’ve tried this for more than a week now, and the pain is gone.”

“I’ve had five major surgeries on my feet over the past three years, and often had pain at night, and even during the day.

I’ve tried this for more than a week now, and the pain is gone. In the mornings, I feel so much more refreshed, and have more energy as well.”

- Bruce Mitchell, Fort Worth

Eva Mills (54) from Tampa says:

“WOW! I felt a difference
after the first night!”

“WOW! I felt a difference after the first night! I was more relaxed, and felt more awake and more refreshed the next day. More importantly, it helps to relieve some pain as well.

I have herniated disks in my lower back, which cause sciatic pain—particularly when I am lying down. The pain radiates all the way down to my feet. I tried this for the purpose of detoxing, while hoping to get a better night's sleep.

Mission accomplished, and then some! It actually helps to take the edge off the pain.”

- Eva Mills (54), Tampa

What's even more amazing is that…

ANYONE can do the Sea Sugar Detox—no matter their age…

From the comfort of their home…

Or anywhere they want.

It requires ZERO tools and very little effort…

And once you’ve added the Sea Sugar Detox to your bedtime routine…

You'll get deep, restful sleep—the kind where you'll wake up feeling renewed and refreshed.

You'll get deep, restful sleep—the kind where you'll wake up feeling renewed and refreshed.

You’ll have so much energy that you’ll be able
to work on your yard, golf with your buddies,
and still have pep left over to roughhouse with your grandkids.

You’ll have so much energy that you’ll be able to work on your yard, golf with your buddies, and still have pep left over to roughhouse with your grandkids.

And because your legs won’t cramp up or hurt anymore

You can finally enjoy your golden years, with more stamina to do the things you love.

You can finally enjoy your golden years, with more stamina to do the things you love.

No naps required.

That lets you run circles around those energy drink-chugging millennials.

They’ll Look at You in Awe,
Wondering What Your Secret Is.

So stick around, and I’ll show you how to do
the Sea Sugar Detox at home.

Oh, and in the next few minutes, I’ll also share:

  • Why poor sleep isn’t caused by anything to do with your actual sleep, and how it’s to do with your brain. New research from top university scientists reveals the one substance your brain REALLY needs for you to get more restful sleep. I’ll show you how it takes just 30 seconds to improve your sleep quality!
  • Why it’s not okay to massage your legs when they cramp up. I’ll explain why you should NEVER massage your legs, especially when your second heart is weak.
  • What it means to have a “white tongue”—and how you can fix this problem.

But before I get too carried away, let me introduce myself properly.

I’m Alex Del Pizzo**.

I’ve worked as a personal trainer and health coach
for 20 years, helping thousands of people…

But I recently found my calling in life, and I’m now a medical researcher at a company called Simple Promise.

You may have seen us featured in publications like NBC, USA Today and more.

I’m proud of the work we’ve done together.

To date, we’ve helped over 112,758 people solve their health problems

Allowing them to lead active, happy lives.

We’ve even gone somewhat “viral”…

With Over 6.7 Million People Checking Out Our Research, and the Natural Solutions We’ve Developed.

Looking back, I’m proud of what we’ve achieved…

But this next discovery makes everything else we’ve done pale in comparison.

You see, scientists have recently discovered that our body relies on TWO hearts, not one.

Both play a key role in circulating life-giving blood around our body...

But if our second heart isn’t working well,
blood flow will be hindered—and we will experience symptoms of fatigue and pain.

  • For example, if you don’t get enough blood flow to your brain, you’ll end up with brain fog, fatigue and dizziness.
  • And if you don’t get enough blood to your legs, you’ll end up with muscle cramps or even pain and numbness.

And did you know, your brain requires a LARGE volume of blood flow, even while you sleep?

In fact, researchers from Pennsylvania State University have discovered that…

Your brain demands MORE blood flow during sleep than when you’re awake.

Meaning, less blood flow will lead to poor-quality sleep.

But Here’s the Thing—Did You Know That if You Laid Out Your Circulatory System Flat…

It would stretch 66,000 miles?

That’s more than two and a half times the circumference of the Earth!

Your first heart alone can’t push all your blood around on its own.

Especially the blood that ends up in your legs and feet, due to the downward pull
of gravity.

It’s like rolling a boulder downhill: Sending it down is easy. But heaving that boulder back UP is the hard part.

That’s why your body has a SECOND heart.

You See, There’s an Intricate System
in Your Feet and Legs That Is
Designed to Push Blood Back Up
to Your Main Heart.

Doctors and researchers call this the second heart.

Leading cardiologist Dr. Madhu Salvaji*** explains it best. He says:

“The second heart is a system of muscles, veins, and valves in the calf and foot that work together to push deoxygenated blood back up to the heart and lungs.”

So, having a healthy second heart is extremely important for your well-being...

Especially as you get older.

However, if blood flow from your second heart is hindered…

Your Circulatory System Stops Working at Full Capacity.

And just like how a still pool of water
will stagnate over time…

Deoxygenated blood will remain in the legs and feet, and will start taking a toll on your health.

As a result, you may end up with:

Swelling in the affected area

Chronic pain in the legs or feet

Reddish or bluish discoloration on
the legs

Now, when you have leg pains or swelling…

You should avoid massaging your legs, especially if you’re in your later years.

Experts from the National Institutes of Health*** say that...

Seniors should be careful about getting leg massages if they have leg pains, as there’s a possibility that massages can lead to blood clots, nerve injury or even bone fractures.

Naturally, When You Have a Weak Second Heart and Poor Circulation...

The last thing you want is a blood clot.

Bad circulation will also make you feel constantly fatigued because your body isn’t getting the oxygen and nutrients it needs.

Remember, it doesn’t matter how healthily you eat, if those good nutrients can't travel to other parts of your body.

So if you feel as though something has been
“off” for a long time…

  • For example, if you’re experiencing constant muscle cramps, especially
    at night…
  • Or if you’re always feeling tired and having trouble concentrating, even after 8 hours of sleep…

There’s a good chance your second heart is not functioning well.

And that’s why no amount of drugs or supplements has done much for these
health problems.

After all, NONE of them are designed to target the root cause of these symptoms

Which, as you now know, is poor blood flow caused by a weak second heart!

So, What Causes Your
Second Heart to Get Weaker?

Well, in the modern day, there’s just ONE reason
for a weakening second heart:

Scientific evidence reveals that it’s the toxins seeping into our food, water and environment!

Researchers have discovered that when toxins end up circulating in our bloodstream…

They hinder blood flow, and are the culprits behind a weak second heart.

So, where do these toxins come from?

Well, this may make your blood boil, but here’s the truth:

Research shows that these toxins
are the result of shady food practices!

Unethical Food Manufacturers
Use Chemicals to Cheapen or
Speed Up Their Processes, Padding Their Pockets With Profits…

At the cost of OUR health.

Weedkillers used in farming is an example.

Have you ever wondered where these poisons go, after they are used?

They go straight into the soil, and are then absorbed by the vegetables and fruit we eat.

Toxins like cadmium, pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls and other industrial chemicals end up in the meat we eat too.

What’s more, plastics are another big source of toxins.

You may have heard about BPA in plastics, and that you should avoid it.

But it’s just ONE toxin, out of the many that are used in plastics manufacturing.

And This Situation
Is Getting Worse Because…

The World Health Organization has found an alarming increase in toxins in our food over the years!

As manufacturers look to cut expenses and maximize profits…

Their so-called “efficient” food-processing and farming methods continue to pollute the earth’s soil and water.

In fact, it’s gotten so bad now, most researchers simply accept the fact that toxins accumulate in our bodies.

Some reports go so far as to say:

“No person is without some level of toxic metals in their bodies, circulating and accumulating with acute and chronic lifetime exposures.”

50 years ago, a human body took just 6 months to decompose.

But these days, it would take a whopping 5 YEARS.

All because we have so many chemicals in our bodies.

What’s more, scientists have discovered that the effects of these toxins are significantly worse than expected.

To quote Dr. Wayne Lautt***, a leading researcher on liver function:

“Vascular dysfunction occurs through the process known as capillarization where chronic exposure to toxic compounds leads to a decrease in fenestration [pore opening] size…”

Meaning, toxins hinder blood flow.

And because of gravity, it’s believed that toxins are most likely to pool in our
legs and feet

And that’s exactly where your second heart is!

In Short, Toxins Are Like
Kryptonite for Your Second Heart.

And as your second heart gets
weaker over time, you’ll end up with leg cramps,
fatigue, brain fog, and poor sleep.

So, if nothing you’ve tried has helped to solve these health issues…

Don’t blame yourself because it’s not your fault!

Until today, no one has told you how important your second heart is to your well-being.

But you’ve probably been having a strange feeling that your health has steadily gotten worse over the years…

Yet you can’t quite put your finger on why.

Well, now you know, it’s because of toxins—and how they affect your second heart.

The Good News Is, We Finally
Have a Way to Fight Them.

Scientists have discovered you can draw out those
bad chemicals with “toxin magnets”.

In fact, as strange as this may sound…

Scientists have found a “sea sugar” that draws out toxins like a magnet.

It’s called Poliglusam.

You’ve probably never heard of it before… but it’s used a lot in the farming industry to purify soil by removing toxins.

Poliglusam, or “Sea Sugar”, is made by processing chitin found on the outer skeleton of shellfish.

After it is extracted, it is combined with a substance called glucosamine, which is an amino sugar.

Hence its nickname, “Sea Sugar”.

And here’s the good news:

Clinical studies have confirmed how powerful sea sugar is for removing toxins.

In a key study, researchers mixed it into water that contained trace elements
of toxins.

As their study progressed…

They Were Shocked to Find That
the Sea Sugar Would Automatically Bind to the Toxins Like a Magnet!

As sea sugar doesn’t dissolve in water…

The scientists could easily remove it from the water—together with the toxins.

This way, they were able to get rid of the toxins in the water, cleanly.

But would it work for humans?

Luckily, Research Shows That
Sea Sugar Can Help Humans
Fight Toxins Too.

Not by binding to toxins inside water…

But by binding to toxins inside the FAT molecules in our body.

You see, researchers found that sea sugar naturally sticks to fats as well.

This is important because clinical studies have proven that toxins can be stored in human fat cells.

So by binding to fats, sea sugar is also binding to toxins.

This is important, as it means it can help humans too.

But There Was a Glaring Problem:

How could the sea sugar be drawn out of
the body with the bound toxins?

Luckily, my research revealed an easy way to draw out those toxins:

We could do it through a substance called...

Wood Vinegar

Now, wood vinegar is not really a “vinegar”, but a substance made from burning fresh wood at extremely high temperatures to get charcoal.

The smoke from the wood is collected and condensed into a liquid...

And THIS becomes wood vinegar.

If you’ve heard about how charcoal is a great toxin filter, wood vinegar is even more potent.

It was first used in agriculture to help fertilize soil.

And more recently, scientists have found that the properties of wood vinegar allow it to draw toxins out of the soil it is added to, purifying and fertilizing that soil in a natural way.

But beyond farming, we’ve now discovered that…

Wood Vinegar Has an Osmotic Effect That Can Draw Out Harmful Toxins From the Human Body.

It is able to promote the transport of toxins across cell membranes…

So, just like how it can draw toxins out of polluted soil…

It can do the same for people through their sweat!

Best of all, it’s completely safe to use.

This incredible ability of wood vinegar was first discovered in Asian countries like Japan, Korea and China—countries which have a long history of using wood vinegar to combat the detrimental effects of toxins.

My team at Simple Promise realized that combining wood vinegar with sea sugar

Would be truly effective for clearing the body of toxins, which in turn supports the second heart.

That’s How Our
Sea Sugar Detox Was Born.

And to see if it truly worked on humans,
we developed a prototype.

After sourcing a small batch of sea sugar and wood vinegar, we combined them and put the mixture into an easy-to-apply pad.

We designed the pad to be specifically used on the soles of the feet.

Remember, that’s where your second heart is.

Not to mention, we also knew that because of gravity, that’s where toxin build-up ends up.

We then gave these prototypes out to an early focus group to test.

The results that came in after the participants had used them for 2 weeks
shocked us!

Here’s Some of the
Early Feedback That We Received From Our Focus Group:

George McKinney from Houston says:

“It has been a real pain marvel for me, and my knees, back and shoulders no longer hurt nearly as much!”

“I’ll be a skunk. I was 100% skeptical that this Japanese home remedy would relieve my pain. But I’m glad I was wrong.

It has been a real pain marvel for me, and my knees, back and shoulders no longer hurt nearly as much!”

- George McKinney, Houston

Stefanie Brulanski shares:

“My knee pain is almost gone now...”

“The Hospital wanted to do a knee replacement surgery on me, so I tried this as a last resort. My knee pain is almost gone now, and I have canceled my surgery!”

- Stefanie Brulanski

And Frank Tellerindo writes:

“But nothing, and I mean nothing, gets rid of my pain like this old Japanese trick...”

“I’ve had steroid shots, acupuncture, chiropractic treatments, and the strongest prescription pain meds. But nothing, and I mean nothing, gets rid of my pain like this old Japanese trick—thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

- Frank Tellerindo

The early prototypes showed us everything we needed to know.

And we began development in earnest…

That’s How Xitox Deep Cleansing
Foot Pads—an Easy Way to Apply the
Sea Sugar Detox—Were Created!

Xitox™ Deep Cleansing Foot Pads are simple all-in-one detox pads, specifically to be used on the feet.

Remember, that’s where your second heart is.

With these detox pads, folks will be able to:

Free themselves
from leg pains and muscle cramps…

Experience less fatigue and brain fog…

Get better sleep
at night!

With the early prototypes, we already had amazing feedback.

But I didn’t stop there.

I wanted to develop a superior version of the original detox pads, and tasked our entire research team with finding ways to make them even better.

We Discovered That Toxins Also Triggered Inflammation in the Body.

As you know, inflammation is BAD.

It’s the leading cause of many health problems today…

Including erratic blood sugar levels, cholesterol issues, pain, and more.

But here’s the thing…

Inflammation caused by toxins is particularly serious…

Because it affects your body in the long term.

That’s why our laboratory team decided to add several inflammation-fighting ingredients to our product.

It was necessary to combat the inflammatory response triggered by toxins...

And I was also adamant that our finalized formula included those ingredients because there will be lingering effects of inflammation, even after you’ve detoxed.

The First Inflammation-Fighting Ingredient We Added Was
an Extract Of...

Loquat Leaf

Loquat leaves are special—they have powerful anti-inflammatory properties that will lower your inflammatory markers.

Loquat leaf extract contains a ton of antioxidants, which is how it fights inflammation.

Many clinical studies have been conducted on the loquat plant.

According to an important scientific review:

“Research shows that loquat extracts contain many antioxidants, and different extracts exhibit bioactivity capable of counteracting inflammation.”

We Also Added to Our Detox Pads,
an Essential Oil Extracted From...

Houttuynia Cordata Thunb

Houttuynia cordata thunb is known as a traditional medicinal plant.

Studies have found that its mechanism of action is similar to that of NSAIDs… except it’s natural!

To quote the researchers who experimented with it:

“Essential oil from H. cordata was reported to exhibit anti-inflammatory activity by a mechanism of action similar to that of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).”

Last But Not Least...


We included Tourmaline, a special kind of mineral that emits far infrared radiation (FIR).

Harvard medical researchers have found that the FIR emitted by tourmaline can help reduce pain significantly.

To quote these Harvard researchers, their review found that:

“A study of patients with [joint pain] showed a reduction in pain, stiffness, and fatigue...”

And in a follow-up study, they found it...

  • Reduced fatigue by 24%
  • Lowered pain levels by as much as 57%
  • And eliminated stiffness by a whopping 60%!

So it made perfect sense to add tourmaline to our finalized formula.

That’s How Xitox
Deep Cleansing Foot Pads Became
All-In-One Detox Pads...

That contain ALL of these powerful ingredients
to expel toxins from the body.

And these pads are super easy to use: All you have to do is stick them on your feet before going to sleep.

And by morning, the toxins in your body would be drawn out into the pads, ready to be thrown into the trash.

Of course, we sent out this new version to our focus group, so that they could test out the improved formula.

Here’s what the participants said:

John Lizchenzen (74) from Houston shared:

“...within two weeks, I didn't even need to take my pain meds anymore.”

“I was very skeptical because a friend didn’t think these would work. But I tried them, and within two weeks, I didn't even need to take my pain meds anymore. I’m also sleeping a lot better, so I’m glad I kept an open mind.”

- John Lizchenzen (74), Houston

Margaret O’Reilly (68) added:

“These foot pads were a pain-ending miracle for me when nothing else worked.”

“You can never believe the medical establishment because they say nothing works except their own expensive prescription drugs, doctor visits and surgery. That is hogwash! Not true! I was doubtful, but I took a chance. These foot pads were a pain-ending miracle for me when nothing else worked.”

- Margaret O’Reilly (68)

With Amazing Results Like These…

We knew the final formula was ready for the public!

Now, I’m sure you’re itching to get your hands on our Xitox™ Deep Cleansing
Foot Pads…

And I’ll show how you can, in just a moment, without risking a penny.

But first, I have to give you a fair warning.

Ever since I started sharing about these detox pads online…

Many People Have Made the Smart Decision to Order Multiple Boxes.

They realized how little they had been doing
to take care of their second heart…

And they understood how the toxins in our environment are practically impossible to avoid.

They needed a way to CONSISTENTLY cleanse their body, without doing some weird 3-day fast or a juice-only detox...

So they knew they had to keep using the foot pads for the LONG TERM.

What’s more…

Remember that the participants of the studies I showed you had used the ingredients inside Xitox™ Deep Cleansing Foot Pads for several weeks?

So even though you DO experience relief from leg pains and muscle cramps almost immediately…

  • Things like sleep, fatigue and brain fog can take
    a little longer to rectify.
  • Remember—we’re fighting years of toxin
    exposure, so thorough cleansing isn’t going to
    happen overnight.

That’s why I recommend using Xitox™ Deep Cleansing Foot Pads consistently, and for a prolonged period of time...

Since You Can’t Avoid
Toxins Completely…

You should continue combating these poisons with
the Sea Sugar Detox, by using Xitox Deep Cleansing
Foot Pads for the coming years.

I also personally recommend keeping at least
6 boxes at hand
, at all times, to my friends
and family…

Just in case there are supply shortages—and we’re not able to source the rare ingredients like sea sugar and wood vinegar.

So, to bring that full circle…

Thousands of people ordering 3 to 6 boxes of Xitox™ Deep Cleansing Foot Pads have caused an explosive demand.

But due to global supply-chain issues, our logistics team tells me our supply of ingredients is frequently low!

So make sure you don’t put off this decision—because we may not have stock when you come back.

And with that disclaimer out of the way…

What Would a Future Without Leg Pains, Muscle Cramps, Fatigue and Low Energy Levels Look Like for You?

Just imagine it…

You can finally sleep at night, and STAY asleep
for a full 8 hours or more.

You can finally sleep at night, and STAY asleep for a full 8 hours or more.

And instead of waking up with aches and pains…

You get up feeling refreshed, and full of clean,
all-day energy.

You get up feeling refreshed, and full of clean, all-day energy.

You can exercise, be active again, and enjoy
your hobbies.

You can exercise, be active again, and enjoy your hobbies.

Or just spend more time with your kids or
grandchildren, because your legs aren’t
cramping anymore.

Or just spend more time with your kids or grandchildren, because your legs aren’t cramping anymore.

And when you have the freedom to be active again, WITHOUT pain and aches…

That’s when you can truly start enjoying your golden years.

On that Note, Let Me Ask You…

What would a future like that be worth to you?
$1,000? $10,000? $50,000?

I know it’s hard to put a price tag on it.

But I did it to illustrate a point.

When you have constant aches, cramps and low energy levels

You can’t enjoy life.

You are over-reliant
on caffeine.

And it makes you worried that your health may continue to go downhill.

You end up having to just “get by” each day…

While trying to manage your health problems—which seem to be getting worse
over time...

When, really, it shouldn’t be that way.

  • You deserve to enjoy your golden years.
  • You’ve worked too hard not to.

The Good News Is…

With Xitox Deep Cleansing Foot Pads,
you can FINALLY be free from pain and lethargy.

And this is also why I knew how invaluable a future like this would be.

But when the financial team recommended we price our detox pads at
$149 per package, I was a bit taken back.

I asked them why our product had to be so expensive—especially when I had seen other detox pads selling for
much cheaper

Our team explained that…

The combination of poliglusam (sea sugar), wood vinegar, and our unique inflammation-fighting ingredients weren’t cheap to source.

For example, poliglusam alone can cost as much as $270 per kilogram, or
$122 per pound

And even more expensive ingredients like loquat leaf extract can cost as much as a whopping $1,400 per kilogram, or $636 per pound!

When you combine all these rare ingredients, $149 per box seems fair.

After all, “cheap” detox pads on the market do NOT have the same combination of potent ingredients as what we have developed and placed in our formula…

And I’m certain the companies that sell them SKIMP on their ingredients, compromising their quality.

Otherwise, they wouldn’t be able to offer their products at such a low price.

After All, You’ve Seen How Expensive These Ingredients Are.

And cutting corners makes their pads ineffective,
and a waste of money in the first place.

So truly, you get what you pay for.

But this isn’t about profit. It is about changing lives.

I knew $149 would put Xitox™ Deep Cleansing Foot Pads out of reach for many folks.

Luckily, we figured out a way to source these ingredients in such a way that we can pass on the savings to our customers.

The idea was that if we ordered each of these ingredients in bulk, we could combine them all in one factory…

Which would then create cost savings that we could pass on to our customers.

That’s Why Today…
You’re Not Going to Pay $149 for a Box of Xitox Deep Cleansing Foot Pads.

You won’t even pay $89,
which is how much it's listed for on our website.

No... As we have managed to source the ingredients in bulk…

For a limited time, we’re giving you a massive 33% off!

Which means you can get your box of Xitox™ Deep Cleansing Foot Pads for just $89 $49 per box.

And we’ll cover your shipping too, so you’ll save an extra $12.95.

But I didn’t stop there.

Because so many folks were ordering multiple boxes for themselves and their loved ones…

We’re able to offer you an even larger discount, when you order in bulk.

So when you order the
3-box package…

You’ll get your supply of Xitox™ Deep Cleansing Foot Pads for $89 $39 per box!

Which means you’ll get
your supply for practically HALF price.

And if you’re truly dead-set on getting the best results possible?

You should choose the
6-box package, which brings your per-box price down to
a low $33.

Which means in total, you’re getting a staggering 63% off!

Buy 1 bottle Buy 1 bottle
Buy 6 bottles Buy 6 bottles
Buy 3 bottles Buy 3 bottles

And Since Each Box of Xitox
Deep Cleansing Foot Pads Should
Last You Roughly 30 Days…

$33 per box boils down to $1.10 a day.
That’s practically a dollar a day.

Take a moment to think of all the things you spend more than a dollar a day on…

That only brings a tiny fraction of the joy Xitox™ Deep Cleansing Foot Pads will give you when you’re finally free from leg pains and lethargy.

Wouldn’t you agree that investing a little more than a dollar a day is worth your health and happiness?

I’m sure you’d agree.

And for the Committed Folks Who Order the 3- Or 6-Box Packages…

I’m throwing in some amazing bonuses too!

The first one is called:

Bonus #1:

Detox Superfoods: 15 Highly Nutritious Superfoods
& Recipes For Detoxing Your Body
($49 Value)

While Xitox™ Deep Cleansing Foot Pads are super effective in removing pain-causing poisons from your system…

Adding these superfoods to your diet will DOUBLE the detoxing activity inside your body

So you can remove more harmful toxins…

Enjoy deeper sleep and finally get rid of pain for good.

Inside Detox Superfoods, you will find…

  • 15 of the BEST detoxing superfoods that should be on your
    shopping list
  • 36 mouthwatering and nutritious recipes that cover breakfast,
    lunch, and dinner
  • PLUS! The #1 Japanese superfood that you must have in your pantry

This guide is absolutely free, and will be yours when you order Xitox™ Deep Cleansing Foot Pads right now. (You can download the guide once you’ve placed your order.)

But that’s not all…

I’m also going to include a second free gift called:

Bonus #2:

Stress Detox: 7 Little-Known Mood Boosters
($39 Value)

Did you know that stress is highly dangerous to your body?

And makes your body vulnerable to painful toxins and other health threats.

That’s why you need to keep your stress levels under control.

You won’t get common stress-relief advice like exercising or meditation in this guide.


Instead, you’ll find the BEST stress-relief activities that nobody talks about…

For example, tip #4 is a “bathroom ritual” that will instantly calm you down and make you feel relaxed.

And then there’s the “blank page” activity that is 10x more effective than meditation when it comes to reducing stress levels.

But that’s just the icing on the cake.

In Stress Detox, you’ll receive a total of 7 little-known, yet extremely powerful, stress-relief activities—absolutely FREE.

Last but not least, there is Bonus #3 which is simply named…

Bonus #3:

BEWARE!: 14 Toxic “Healthy” Foods To Avoid
($30 Value)

If you think that foods labeled as "organic" or "sugar-free” are healthy… think again.

These labels are actually misleading, and such foods often do more harm than good.

For example, a diet soda may have “zero sugar”…

But did you know that it probably contains high amounts of artificial sweeteners

And studies have shown that artificial sweeteners are linked to heart disease?

And did you know that most “fat-free” products contain high amounts of sugar?


That’s why this guide was created:

  • To make you aware of fake “healthy” foods…
  • So you’ll be protected from harmful ingredients and their nasty
    side effects.


These three guides are valued at $118, and the only place you can access them is right here, through this special page.

And I’d Like to Give You All Three of These Free Bonuses...

When you invest in either a
3- or 6-box package of
Xitox Deep Cleansing Foot Pads today.

As you can see, I want to make sure you have everything you need to get the best possible results.

Again, I recommend the 6-month supply because it gives you the best deal, with FREE US shipping.

You'll have enough to last you a while, in case we run out…

And It’s Risk-Free Because of Our
One-Year 100% Money-Back Guarantee.

365 Days Money Back Guarantee

At Simple Promise™, we are so sure of the effectiveness of our product that we are willing to put the entire risk on us.

Our industry best 365 Days Money Back Guarantee states that either you're 100% satisfied, or your money back.

You can place your order safely and knowing that absolutely nothing can go wrong. Give Xitox™ a try and see the difference it would bring to your life.

If at any time you are not happy with Xitox™, just send back your empty boxes and we will refund you immediately.

No questions asked.

We pride ourselves in our product and service and want you to be absolutely satisfied.

Choose Your Package Below,
and You’ll Go Straight to Our
100% Secure Online Ordering Form...

Where you can finalize your order
and tell us where to ship it.

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Make Sure You Order on
THIS Page Today…

Because you WON’T find Xitox Deep Cleansing
Foot Pads on Amazon, at retailers or anywhere else.

We’re cutting out the middleman to keep prices as low as possible for you.

And remember, your $336 in savings with the multi-box package is only available while we have stock.

As soon as supply runs out…

Our tech team will take down this page immediately to prevent backorders.

So when you’re ready, pick the 3- or
6-box package
now to get the best bang for your buck. (Or whichever package is right for you.)

You should see 3 options below this page.

If you’re viewing this on your phone, you might have to scroll down a bit.

Once you’ve scrolled down, click the orange “Add to Cart” button on the package you want.

Buy 1 bottle Buy 1 bottle
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Buy 3 bottles Buy 3 bottles

Oh and I Should Mention…

No matter which package you choose, you’re covered by our 365-day money-back satisfaction guarantee.

Which is a 3-step promise:

  • One. You must experience RAPID pain relief.
  • Two. You MUST feel more energetic.
  • Three. You MUST get better sleep at night.

Unless Xitox Deep Cleansing Foot Pads fulfill all three of these promises…

I’ll give you a FULL refund within 365 days.

That gives you a FULL year to try out Xitox™ Deep Cleansing Foot Pads.

What’s more…

It doesn’t matter if you’ve used up all the boxes.

Just email or call our friendly customer service team, send back whatever you’ve got left (even the empty boxes)…

And we’ll refund EVERY single penny.

That means you’re not “buying” anything today…

The only decision you’re making is to take Xitox™ Deep Cleansing Foot Pads for a test run for the next 365 days.

So if You’re Ready, Scroll Down
and Click the Button Below!

Now, this page is about to end
and you’re at a crossroads.

  • I’ve shown you all the science.
  • I’ve shown you how your second heart is one of the most neglected areas of your health…
  • And how toxins can hinder blood flow.

Ultimately causing leg pains, muscle cramps, fatigue and
poor sleep.

Of course, you could choose to ignore everything you’ve seen today.

And I’d harbor no hard feelings even if you did that.

But consider this.

If you do nothing today, what will change?

You’ll go back to your usual routine.

But those toxins will stay pooled in your legs…

And your second heart will struggle to push your blood back up to your heart.

And you’ll keep having leg pains, muscle cramps and low energy levels, until you do something about it.

But why put up with that?

After all, you now know EXACTLY how to fix this problem.

And with this knowledge...

It’s Now YOUR Responsibility to Act.

If you decide to do nothing today, but come back to this page to order Xitox Deep Cleansing Foot Pads later...

We might have run out of stock by then...

Because others have already taken the leap and ordered their supply.

That means you’ll be waiting up to 6 months.

That’s 180 days of waiting...

Instead of experiencing the joy of being pain free today, and having clean, all-day energy.

At that point, wouldn’t you think back to this moment and regret not taking action?

If the answer is even a “maybe”…

You’d be wise to take the smarter, second path.

And say YES right now.

You’ll Get Your Own Supply of Xitox Deep Cleansing Foot Pads Today With Our 365-Day Money-Back Guarantee.

Which means you truly have NOTHING to lose
but EVERYTHING to gain.

Buy 1 bottle Buy 1 bottle
Buy 6 bottles Buy 6 bottles
Buy 3 bottles Buy 3 bottles

Plenty of REAL People Have Gotten REAL Results From Xitox Deep Cleansing Foot Pads!

We got Richard Tomlinsin (74) hailing from Oklahoma, who is really happy with his results…

He says:

“Thank God for your foot pads because they are giving me incredible pain relief!”

“The doctors had me on an opioid drug which I became addicted to, and the withdrawal was a nightmare.

Then I had knee and shoulder surgery, and neither of those really worked. I was a shell of my former Army Ranger self, and drowning in pain.

Thank God for your foot pads because they are giving me incredible pain relief!”

- Richard Tomlinsin (74), Oklahoma

Ann Barret (63) affirms:

“I am almost totally without pain now.”

“Cortisone shots stopped working for my knee pain. The doctors wanted to cut me open and do surgery. I’d heard horror stories about this, so I tried Xitox™ Deep Cleansing Foot Pads.

My Japanese neighbor had used them and said yours were the best. And they do work! I am almost totally without pain now.”

- Ann Barret (63)

New Yorker Lee Singh (81) declares:

“These really work and everyone with pain should try them...”

“I was very skeptical because I had tried everything for my pain. But I couldn’t believe all the toxins these pads sucked out of my body overnight. The pads were totally black in the morning for the first few weeks.

Now, finally, after years of terrible pain, I am feeling so much better. These really work and everyone with pain should try them, especially since they have nothing to lose with your guarantee.”

- Lee Singh (81), New York

Joe Osterhouse (62) from Utah shares:

“Since there is a full money-back guarantee, I tried them—and my God, they work great!”

“I’d read online these don’t work, but I figured that was just brainwashing from the big drug companies.

Since there is a full money-back guarantee, I tried them—and my God, they work great!

My knee, shoulder and back pain is about 80% less than it was before, and I don’t even need to take Tylenol and Aleve anymore, or rub on the Bengay!”

- Joe Osterhouse (62), Utah

Ok… I’ve done everything I can to make the first step easy for you.

But I can’t take it for you.

So, hover your mouse over the order button.

Click it and fill in the information requested on the next page.

And after you’ve ordered…

You won’t be alone.

The Simple Promise Team
Will Stay in Touch With You
Every Single Day via Email.

I’ll be making sure you get all the information, motivation and support you need to succeed.

But that can only happen after you take the first step.

Move your mouse or scroll down with your phone…

And click the order button.

Now’s your final chance to take Xitox™ Deep Cleansing Foot Pads for a 365-day
test run.

And you’re doing it for as low as $1.10 a day.

Remember, when you order the 3- or 6-box package, we’ll cover your US shipping costs AND you’ll get up to $476.95 in value. Completely FREE.

Plus, if You Order either of
These Multi-Box Packages…

You’ll also get the 3 bonuses worth $118.

These bonuses are:

  • Detox Superfoods: 15 Highly Nutritious Superfoods &
    Recipes For Detoxing Your Body
  • Stress Detox: 17 Little-Known Mood Boosters
  • BEWARE! 14 Toxic “Healthy” Foods To Avoid

All three are yours to keep, with the 3- and 6-box packages.

That’s an additional value of $118, ON TOP of the special discounted prices being offered on this website.

There’s no better time than right now.

If you’re on mobile, you might need to scroll down to see the order button.

When You See That Button,
Click It. Then Fill Out Your Details
on the Next Page...

And you’ll be on your way to a new, pain-free life.

I can’t wait to hear your success story with Xitox™ Deep Cleansing Foot Pads!

I’ll see you on the other side.

I’m Alex Del Pizzo, and thanks for reading.

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Ah, I see you’re still here. This means you’ve got questions. Let’s go through them now.

Frequently Asked Questions

No, this is a one-time purchase! We will never bill you without your knowledge.

Xitox™ Deep Cleansing Foot Pads are for you, if you suffer from leg pains, muscle cramps, fatigue or poor sleep.

They contain several powerful ingredients that draw out toxins through your feet…

And help your second heart do its job of pushing blood back up to the heart.

When this happens, this fixes pain, brain fog, lethargy, and those leg cramps!

Xitox™ Deep Cleansing Foot Pads contain powerful ingredients that cleanse your body by drawing out and removing pain-causing toxins.

The key ingredients in these pads are:


Wood Vinegar

Poliglusam, aka Sea Sugar, binds superbly to toxins like a magnet.

In an important study, sea sugar was found to be capable of removing toxins from contaminated water. As sea sugar doesn’t dissolve in water, the toxins bound to it could be cleanly removed.

But what about humans?

Well, studies have shown that sea sugar can help humans fight toxins too.

Researchers found that sea sugar naturally sticks to fats as well, which is important because toxins are stored in human fat cells.

We had the scientific evidence proving how potent sea sugar is at binding to toxins.

But there was a glaring problem:

How could it be drawn out of the human body with the bound toxins?

As we dug deeper…

We realized the answer had been staring at us in the face:

We could use Wood Vinegar!

Wood Vinegar is able to produce an osmotic effect that promotes the transport of toxins across cell membranes. This means it is able to draw out and remove harmful toxins through sweat.

Best of all, it’s completely safe to use.

This incredible ability of wood vinegar was first discovered in Asian countries like Japan, Korea and China—countries that have a long history of using wood vinegar to combat the detrimental effects of toxins.

My team and I realized that combining wood vinegar with sea sugar would be truly effective for clearing the body of toxins, which in turn supports the second heart.

That’s how our Sea Sugar Detox was born.

We also included 3 pain-relieving inflammation fighters in the detox pads:

Loquat Leaf

cordata thunb


Loquat Leaf has powerful anti-inflammatory properties that will lower your inflammatory markers.

It contains a ton of antioxidants, which is how it fights inflammation.

In addition to this, the detox pads contain an essential oil extracted from Houttuynia cordata thunb, a traditional medicinal plant.

Studies have found that it works similarly to NSAIDs, except it’s natural, of course.

Last but not least, we included Tourmaline, a special kind of mineral that emits far infrared radiation (FIR).

Harvard medical researchers have found that tourmaline can actually help reduce pain.

To quote them, they concluded that:

“A study of patients with [joint pain] showed a reduction in pain, stiffness, and fatigue...

In addition to this, a follow-up study found that FIR could...

  • Reduce fatigue by 24%...
  • Lower pain levels by as much as 57%...
  • And eliminate stiffness by a whopping 60%!

Xitox™ Deep Cleansing Foot Pads are easy to use.

When your package arrives, open the box and grab 2 foot pads.

Just before you head to bed, stick each pad to the bottom of each foot.

Do this once a day, over 5 days, for the best results. This is one detox cycle.

Wait 1 week before you start the next detox cycle.

So you do 5 days of detox, then take 1 week off. Repeat this process.

Remember, consistency is key.

Here’s a list of what’s inside Xitox™ Deep Cleansing Foot Pads. As you can see, these are all 100% natural and proven ingredients.

Our goal is to over-deliver, and that’s exactly what we are doing.

No, you can only get Xitox™ Deep Cleansing Foot Pads on this page.

You won’t find them in retail stores or on Amazon.

We’ve cut out the middleman to keep prices low for you!

Unless you’re 100% satisfied, you’ll get EVERY penny back.

This means, no matter which package you choose, you’re covered by our 365-day money back guarantee.

Great! You’re about to take the most important step toward finally being free from leg pains, fatigue and poor sleep.

All you need is 30 seconds before bedtime to put Xitox™ Deep Cleansing Foot Pads on.

Once you’ve used them…

You’ll get deep, restful sleep—the kind where you’ll wake up feeling renewed and refreshed.

You’ll have so much energy, you’ll be able to enjoy all your favorite hobbies again...

  • Whether it’s golfing with
    your buddies…
  • Working on your yard, or traveling once more.
  • You can also play with the grandkids for hours…

Because your legs won’t cramp up or hurt anymore.

You’ll finally enjoy your golden years—with more energy to do the things you love.

Even losing weight will get easier because you’ll be full of vitality and energy.

You’re just one click away from this future.

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Now, what I’ve just covered are the most common questions I get about Xitox™ Deep Cleansing Foot Pads.

If you have more questions, feel free to call us at 1-800-259-9522.

Our friendly customer support team is available 24/7.

But if You’re Ready to Get Started…

Just know: Freedom from leg pains as well as
having more energy is literally a click away.

Don’t put this off because we could run out of stock at any moment.

Remember, the ingredients inside Xitox™ Deep Cleansing Foot Pads are not easy to come by…

And the pandemic has made logistics even more difficult, so it can take months to get a re-stock.

So if you DON’T want to lose out on this chance to enjoy your golden years without leg pains or muscle cramps…

Scroll down right now.

Click the button on the package you want. And fill out your details on the following page.

This is important!

Until you fill out your full details on the checkout page, we can’t ship your supply of Xitox™ Deep Cleansing Foot Pads to you!

So take action now and click the button.

I can’t wait to see you on the other side!

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